1. Add records to the clearrockc.com DNS configuration. These will be temporary while the site is under construction. Add two records – one root and another www. For example, test-site.clearrockc.com and www.test-site.clearrockc.com.
  2. Log on to the wordpress server and create sites.
  3. Visit the site you just created and make sure it has all the plugins we use:
    • Blocksy, Blocksy Child, and Blocksy Companion
    • Block Slider
    • Modula
    • WPForms
    • WP Mail SMTP
    • AIOSEO
    • Stackable
  4. After adding the plugins, the Gutenberg Site Customizer will be available. Go to the customizer and scroll down to <setting>. Then, add a new page called “Home” to be the static home page (instead of recent posts).
  5. Add Logo, Decide on site color scheme, build out navbar and add pages
  6. Add content